Travelling Diaries


Welcome to our occasionally documented journeys!

This site is dedicated to some of our favourite trips. Here we try and keep a day-by-day blog of our events and experiences and upload them daily (depending upon whether we have internet access).

However. when we say occasional, we mean exactly that!

  • Our first blog was for a journey across the US in 2011. This went from the east to west coast travelling by rail.
  • Our second trip was up to see the Northern Lights in Norway in 2015 and over the border into the Arctic Circle. This journey was also by rail (but included a bit of sailing).
  • Our third journey was back to the US in 2017 to visit a number of the National Parks.
  • Our latest event in 2018 saw us go back to Scandinavia to see the Northern Lights in Swedish Lapland.

Well, four published journeys in eight years isn't too bad!

(Please note that as this is published on the interweb we purposely omit names and personal descriptions of any of the people who accompany us (data protection and all that). However, if you want to know the true stories and gossip, or simply have any comments on these pages, drop me a line at david j foley at outlook dot com.)

Our journeys

• 2011 USA Coast to Coast trip •
• 2015 Northern Lights & Lapland •
• 2017 US Great Adventure •
• 2018 Swedish Lapland •